Personal assistants programmed to help you in your daily life
Your AI shopping assistant for online savings. Compare prices and analyze pros and cons easily with this Chrome extension
A shopping assistant that mixes conversational AI and visual search. Take a photo of a product to find it online, compare prices and buy it directly in the app (with integrated order tracking)
Quickly analyze your photos and find the one that will perfectly match your project
A tool that hides your real identity by changing your face in your photos. You can easily customise the face that replaces you
A free mobile app that identifies over 17,000 plant species from a photo. Get instant, accurate information on any plant
Upload an image of your garden and the AI will place the pool of your dreams. Test different pool shapes on your property
A strength and fitness coach who also gives you exercises adapted to your potential
An AI under GPT expert in religious books like the Koran, the Bible, the Torah or Gita
Search for buying guides, product recommendations or reliable reviews with this intelligent, unbiased search engine
AI that assists you before you make product purchases
A project for AI agents that understand and respond to multimodal information in real time. They help you with a variety of everyday tasks, such as looking up bills or organizing a birthday party
A context-sensitive AI assistant designed specifically for PC games and applications. Optimize your performance and receive personalized advice in real time
Showing 133 to 144 of 205 results